Welcome to Central Registration
Central Registration is now registering students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade electronically through Final Forms, an online forms and data management service.
Final Forms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign all necessary Registration forms, Emergency Medical forms, Athletic forms and more for students. It saves data from year to year making no need to enter the same information twice. Final Forms will pre populate information wherever possible for all students in one family.
The parent/guardian may review the data at any time to verify it is current. All forms will be required to be updated once per year and after any change.
Registration Process
In most cases registrations can be completed without an in person appointment. Once all the Registration Requirements have been uploaded and all Final Forms are no longer red, the parent/guardian must call the Registration office to finish the enrollment. *
*It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to finalize registration. Should a document be missing and/or Final Forms incomplete, you may be contacted by email as a reminder to complete the registration.
In addition to completing Final Forms, the following Registration Requirements need to be uploaded to Final Forms to fully register your child:
- Proof of Residency (The residency documents must be in the name of the parent/guardian).
- Please provide BOTH:
- Your rental or purchase agreement or mortgage statement AND your most recent utility bill (gas or electric).
*(We CANNOT accept driver’s license, check, credit cards or regular mail for proof of residency)* - Your child’s Birth Certificate/Birth Record
- Your rental or purchase agreement or mortgage statement AND your most recent utility bill (gas or electric).
- Please provide BOTH:
- Your child’s Immunization Record
- Parent/Guardian’s picture ID
- Complete Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Must have court stamp
- Must state the residential parent
- Must have signature page
- All pages are required
After the Registration process is reviewed by the registrar, the parent/guardian will be given a start date. The parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the school and transportation offices for further scheduling information.
Please call (330) 325-2010 or email the registrar bulkoski@roversk12.org for more information or questions.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to register families as quickly as possible.
If you prefer to register in person or have difficulties with Final Forms, please call or email Central Registration for assistance. If you do not have access to a computer or device, you may schedule an appointment to use a computer in the office to complete Final Forms. Registrations are by appointment only, no walk-ins are accepted.
Kindergarten Registration
Please note that children who will be five-years old on or before August 1st of the coming school year may be registered for Kindergarten.
You may register your child online for the upcoming school year through Final Forms. Please following these easy steps for online registration:
- Visit our website, roversk12.org to access Final Forms.
- Once you have logged in to Final Forms, please follow the instructions to complete the forms and upload the Registration Requirements as listed below.
Find all information about Kindergarten Enrollment here.