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Board of Education



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Rootstown School Board Meetings & Policies

Regular Board meetings will be held in the Middle School cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Special Meetings may be scheduled throughout the year as needed.

Mission Statement

Rootstown Schools, in collaboration with the community, will provide a quality education in a safe environment for students to become productive, life-long learners.

Board Members

Doug Saltsman
Paul McEwuen
Jennifer Curall
Tom Siciliano
Amanda Waesch

Board of Education Meeting Guidelines
All Board meetings are open to the public and public participation is encouraged. We welcome your comments and questions during the time set aside in the meeting for public comment.

Please keep these guidelines in mind when you address the Board:

  • Keep your comments brief and to the point.
  • Do not reflect adversely on the political or economic view, ethnic background, character, or motives of any individual.
  • If you have a specific complaint about an employee, and you have attempted to resolve the problem with the person, his/her supervisor, and/or the Superintendent, simply state that you would like to discuss a personnel matter with the Board.
Executive Sessions
While all meetings are open to the public, the Board may call an Executive Session, or closed-door session, during a meeting. These meetings are for discussion only. All Board action will be taken in public session.

  • Personnel matters
  • Property purchases
  • Pending legal action
  • Employee negotiations
  • Security matters
Functions of the Board
  • To be responsible to the residents of the Rootstown School District.
  • To serve as a policy-making body.
  • To employ a Superintendent and vest such powers in the Superintendent as may be legally delegated.
  • To employ a Treasurer to oversee the fiscal operation of the district and to serve as the Board’s secretary.
  • To consider, approve, or reject contracts and business items.

The Rootstown Board of Education is composed of five members elected to four-year terms.

The Agenda
The agenda is prepared by the Superintendent with input from the Treasurer and the President of the Board of Education.

Board members receive the agenda and supporting materials several days in advance of a board meeting. If it appears that quick action is taken on an item, it may be because the topic has been studied for several weeks or questions were answered in advance of the meeting.

All efforts will be made to post the agenda to this location no later than the Friday before the Monday board meeting. Please refer to the Board Meeting Calendar for a list of board meeting dates for the current year.

Order of Business
The general format of a Board meeting is as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Community/Board Dialogue
  3. Approval of Minutes of prior meetings
  4. Treasurer’s reports and business
  5. Superintendent’s business and recommendations
  6. Reports
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment
About Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Because issues occasionally arise that require us to revise the agenda at the last minute, we do not post it until the day before or the day of the meeting. Also, board minutes are not posted until they are approved at the next month’s meeting. For example, August’s minutes are not approved until the September board meeting, so they would not be uploaded to this site until after the September meeting. Therefore, while it may appear that this site is not updated, that is usually not the case.

In order to post the Agendas and Minutes in a timely fashion and to preserve the integrity of the original documents, all pages are presented in PDF format.